Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Like Rubbish in the Windshield.

My Thoughts On...
        College, Education, and Christian Parents Negating Their 
                                      God Given Duties.                                                                 

Actually part of the reason that I am writing this is because I have been thinking about it a great deal lately and partly because I just needed to vent, and I thought my blog would be the perfect place to do it.

6 Train up a child in the way he should go;
   even when he is old he will not depart from it
(Proverbs 22:6)

Not that I think that I am better than anyone else out there, in fact I am probably worse than all of you that are reading this.  But I want to start this off with a couple of questions.....  Why would I want to go to an educational institution where they are just going to pump a bunch of stuff that I don't believe in into my head, where they are going to teach me a bunch of stuff that I probably already know, or could find out very easily, and where they are going to change up history, muddle science, and reject the sovereign law, and existence of our Father in Heaven?  (Not to mention all the worthless propaganda that comes out of there.)

When did the order change from discipleship and mentorship, to large classrooms full of students taking whatever is fed to them?  What was wrong with the system of apprenticeship that was instituted in years past?

The answer my friends is because it is popular, it is accepted, because you supposedly won't be able to get a job without it, and because there just isn't anyone doing this anymore.  Here then is another question for you.  Why not?  Why are we as Christians, as warriors for Christ not taking this idea, this biblical principle, and running with it? Why are fathers  of this day and age rejecting their God given roll as protecter, provider, and teacher.  Why are mothers today running off to get a college degree, putting their children in the public education system and joining in the fray of politics, and business, along side the men?  Why are we sacrificing our children's spiritual well-being up to the god of convenience.  I do not know what possesses men, and nations to think that they can become God, but I do know that we as believers should do our best to steer clear of these public institutions, that will just fill our heads with all this metaphorical rubbish that has so cluttered the dashboard of our society today that we can no longer see the road that has been set before us.  We are much too apt to let this happen in our lives and I believe that it is, and will prove fatal in the end, should we choose to expose ourselves to the godless institution that the college system has proven itself to be.

While at the beginning we may go into these institutions untainted and optimistic, I believe in the end we will come out much the worse, with little or no benefit to our spiritual and mental well being.  Therefore brothers and sisters, I would caution you as you consider this path, as it may lead to a place from which only few are able to return.

Thanks for reading!

~Happy Blogging~

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