Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Graduation Speech.

I realize that this is October and that I should have posted this back in May when it actually happened but ya know me, I just like to keep y'all in suspense.   It's all part of my evil plan.  (insert your own version of an evil laugh here)

Anyway, without further ado, here is my graduation speech.... Finally.

Ok, well maybe a little bit of ado, but anywho.  Did I mention that I graduated with the most awesome people ever!  They are all such good examples of what Godly young people should look and act like and I love them all!  (and trust me...  I need all the good examples I can get. :))

My Speech:
Most of the graduates this year can probably relate to me when I say that the most annoying thing that anyone can ask you once you tell them that you are about to graduate is "What are you going to do after you graduate?"  I know that most people mean well, and that this stems from a genuine interest in your life and a desire to find out just exactly what you are interested in, in short... It shows that they care about you.  But frankly sometimes I just don't know how to answer them and I feel like saying, "Does it matter?"  But I have not said that to anyone yet....  Much to my mothers surprise, and am not going to do it this time.

So when you asked me that question, I came up with and answer that really is kinda lame, just to ya know....  Get that one over and done with.  I realize that my worldview is slightly different them some of you out there.  So to make it up to all of you who have asked me this question in the past, and have gotten one of my lame, half hearted answers.....  Here is you answer.

First after high school, I am going to be helping in the discipleship of my younger brothers, and sisters, and building relationships with them that are worth having.  Because if you cant have a good relationship with those that love you the most, who can you have a good relationship with?

Second, I am going to help run my mothers house to the best of my ability.

Third, I am going to help my fathers business become one of those very successful, private companies that the government is continually trying to convince us is evil.  If this is indeed the case I am greatly looking forward to what they so lovingly refer to as "evil".

Fourth, convincing my mother that eighteen is in fact the magical age.

And last but not least developing a stronger deeper relationship with Jesus Christ my savior,  determining his will for my life, and living it out each and every single day, of my life.

Thanks for reading!

~Happy Blogging~

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