Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Autumn Walk.

I love taking walks in the fall when all the leaves are falling and everything is so beautiful and crisp.  Which is why my sisters, mother and I did this the other day.  I had so much fun, and hope we can have many more walks like this.  :)  Some of the funnest times that I can remember have been of me just going on walks with family and friends.

Ready to embark.
And go.

My beautiful mother and sister Keziah. :)

Yup a fence post.  :)

Do you see this grove of trees?  Yes, this one.  I'm afraid to walk through there at night because I'm afraid Owls will swoop down and carry me away....  Do you think that this is a rational fear?
"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."  ~Psalm 23:4~
Me Mater.

Naomi.  You are so beautiful.  :)

                                                                Esther...  You look so pretty with your contacts in:)

Naomi wanted me to take a picture of her boot.  So I did.  :)

Keziah was the official baby carrier.  :)

Sisters.  I am so jealous of girls that have a sister that is pretty close to them in age.  I would love my sister to be my best friend...  I guess having a brother as a best friend is just as good.  But still, guys just don't get some things.  :)

He was telling me about the leaf.  :)

She got quite a bushel.  

It was Israels' idea to put all the leaves together.  I think it was a nice touch, don't you?.  Hehe.   :)

Walking back.  

Ahha.  There she is.  :)  I finally got a picture of her.  I think that this picture of her is so cute.  :)

She was tired from carrying that baby everywhere.  Now she knows how mom feels when 9 months pregnant I guess.

(from front to back: Lydia, Israel, Mom, Naomi)  It was also Israels' idea to put all the leaves out.  He is so cute.  

(From front to back: Lydia, Israel, Mom, Naomi, Justice, Keziah, Esther.)

Ok, LOVE this picture of her.  Her blue eyes really stand out........Wait.....  I thought that her eyes were green?  They are green,  that's weird....  Oh well, it looks cool anyway.   
 We had a great time collecting leaves, laughing, chatting, and just being girls. (sorry Israel, I know you're not a girl but you were with the girls.  :)  I am looking forward to our next walk!  Hopeful there will be snow soon!  (I love snow!)  :)

Love Ya!

~Happy Blogging~


  1. Thank you Hannah for the walk and the pictures I too hope we go again this week the weather looks like it would be perfect for it. I love you....

  2. That was my mom that said that last comment by the way. I was like, "wait... Am I going crazy! I didn't post that!" anywho...

  3. *lol* wow-that looked so.....I don't know. Weird. :p You commenting on your own blog! Tee hee. But I guess it was only your mom. For a second there, I was like, "Hey! What a great idea! If nobody is commenting on your blog, then why don't YOU just do it to make yourself feel good. Right?" lol. wow.

    A autumn walk does sound good, though. :P

  4. Haha. Nice Jessica. That's not a bad idea. Haha. I just might try that sometime... Of course it might just be to make myself laugh. Heehee.

    Thanks Jess! Love ya righteous sista! :P



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Also, try not to be a dick.
