Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Naomi!

I am so terribly behind in my birthday post this time for Naomi, and I probably missed some others as well.  But oh well at least I'm getting to it right?

Naomi's birthday was on September 6th.  She turned 7 years old this year and it has been so much fun to see her grow in knowledge, understanding and truth.  There are several things that I love about Naomi.
1. She is not afraid of the unusual.  :)
2. She is (despite all her tomboyish tendencies) very beautiful!

3. Smart and thoughtful.

4. She puts up with and even laughs at all my crazy antics as an older sister.   :)

5.  Is.  Oh, so entertaining.

6.  Lets me take ridiculously funny pictures of her while wearing her favorite "cowgirl" getup.  (ok, this picture seriously cracks me up.)

7. Isn't afraid to get her feet wet!
8.  And because she makes me laugh, when I don't necessarily feel like it.
Love you lots Naomi!  I'm so glad that we are sisters!

Thanks for looking!

~Happy Blogging~


  1. Happy Birthday Naomi! You're such a sweet and pretty girl. :) Cute post Hannah!

  2. Li'l siblings are such a blessing! What a sweet post, Hannah!


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Also, try not to be a dick.
