Thursday, November 17, 2011

Learn Something New Everyday. (Eyes)

Eyes are so amazing!  I am so glad that God gave us eyes so that we can see.  Could you imagine how hard life would be without them?  

1.Your eyes are composed of more than 2 million working parts

2. Your eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour.

3. Colour blindness is 10 times more common in males than females

4. The eye is the only part of the human body that can function at 100% ability at any moment, day or night, without rest. 

5. The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

6. The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain into the nose.

7. Your retina contains 120 million rods for "night vision", and 8 million cones that are colour sensitive and work best under daylight conditions.

8. Under the right conditions, the human eye can see the light of a candle at a distance of 14 miles.

So sorry guys, I haven't posted at all this week...  But at least I can still throw some randomness at y'all, just to tie you over.  Oh, and I found my a camera.....  Well I did find it but is seems to be lost again.... I promise you it has legs.  Oh well, it's got to be around here somewhere and once I find it I will be posting a lot more pictures and events and stuff like that.  

Ta ta till then!

~Happy Blogging~

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Learn Something New Every Day. (Vanilla)

This post is dedicated to my righteous sista, Heidi.  ;)  And to all of you who saw my last random facts and were disconcerted because you really aren't a big fan of chocolate...  Here are some for the vanilla lovers out there.  :)

1. The vanilla bean is the fruit of a tropical American species of orchid. It is the one of the few orchids which produce anything edible and there are more than 20,000 orchid varieties.

2.  It can be used for preventing cancer.

3. It is considered to be the most expensive and precious spice all over the world. 

    4. The vanilla oil extracted by fermenting vanilla beans is used to improve digestion.

    5.  It can be used for manufacturing medicines that are used for strengthening the immune power of the body.

    6.  Vanilla helps to prevent memory loss

    7.  Vanilla oil is used to reduce fever as it helps in fighting internal infections.

    8.  It is used to cure congestions, cough, and other sinus related problems.

    Oh, and I would love to get suggestions from y'all about what you would like to see on here next!  

    ~Happy Blogging~

    Wednesday, November 9, 2011

    Proverbs 4:13

    (Pic. taken from google)
    "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
    Proverbs 4:13

    This picture just reminded me of something that might be in "Pilgrims Progress" or something like that, and then I remembered this verse that we read a while ago during family worship.  I just thought that the two went together perfectly.


    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    I Got Interviewed.

    I got interviewed over on Rachel's Blog!
    I had fun answering the questions, you guys should go check it out.

    She has a really sweet blog, and I love heading over there from time to time to see what's up.  :)

    Here is the link to her blog!

    Thanks Rachel!


    Monday, November 7, 2011

    Tea Tastes So Much Better When...

    You drink out of something cute, right?

    Which is why I drink out of.....

    Tea Cups.
    Yes, every once in a while I like the comforting feeling of a mug in my hand on a cold winter night.


     Most of the time I love the sophistication of a tea cup in my hand.  The rattle of china as you set your cup back down on your saucer....  It is just so romantic.  Why don't we drink out of these anymore?  I miss them.  We should make a tea cup come back.

    I mean think about it.  They look so lonely and sad sitting up on that shelf getting all dusty.  Crying out for someone to use them more than just once  a year.  It's so sad.

    And there ends my tea cup reverie.  Will they ever be used again in our everyday normal routine?...

    I don't know...

    Love a very confused and bewildered,

    Friday, November 4, 2011

    White Christmas.

    ........Is awesome.......

    Soooo, I love this movie.  One of my all time fav's.  Seriously Who wouldn't like this movie?  If you haven't seen this movie go, just do it, right now, please!  Ok, yes there are some scenes where a couple girls aren't wearing the most modest things but overall this movie is soooooo...  sweet.  :)  I've already watched it three times this fall.  You know that I'm getting itchy for the christmas season when the only movie that I want to watch is this one.  :) 
     I love old musicals.  I can live without the new ones.  They are usually stupid and just poorly done.
    Sisters... Heeheehee
    One of my favorite songs ever.  Oh, and see the guy on the left?  Yup that one.  He is one of my ALL TIME favorite actors.  He cracks me up.  :)

    Anyway just thought I would do a very random post about my favorite christmas movie.  Even though as my very intelligent older brother just told me....  It't not even christmas yet...  Oh, and he says that I have to link to his blog since I mentioned his name so here is the link.  click here! :)


    Thursday, November 3, 2011

    Learn Something New Every Day. (Chocolate)

    Is this totally making your mouth water or what?
    (picture taken from google)

    Ok, I love chocolate, and I'm guessing that most of you out there do to.  And who would have thought that it is actually super good for you too.  Yay!  This is awesomeness.

    1.White chocolate really isn't chocolate. It's made from cocoa butter, the substance you get by pressing cocoa beans. Cocoa butter is absent of the cocoa solids used to make chocolate.

    2.Dark Chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea and just as many as blueberries.

    3.Chocolate is beneficial for proper blood flow to the lungs and other organs.
    4.The minerals in chocolate help to increase brain power and function.

    5.Quality dark chocolate contains flavinoids which help reduced the risk of heart disease.

    ~Happy Blogging!~

    Wednesday, November 2, 2011

    Yes It Changed.


    You probably noticed today when you came to my blog that it had changed.  Do you still recognize it?  Wait don't go away...  I promise that this is the same blog, really I do.
    I am beginning to think that I should change my blog name to "Obsessive Compulsive Blog Background changer."  Haha.  But seriously  Do you like it?  Or was the last one better?  I am continually conflicted about my blog background.  It's just so awesomely fun to change and mess with though. :)

    Anywho, just thought I'd do a random blurt and put that out there...  Bye bye!

    Oh and do you see those two guys on either side of the page staring at you?  They kinda look like some kind of weird exotic bird...  Well they just so happen to be my blog guardians...  Yup, there is such a thing.  I named the one on the right, Alfa.  And the one on the left, Romeo.  :)  I think that they are kinda scary looking but don't tell them I said that...  It might hurt their feelings so.. SHHHH...  :)

    Bye for real this time!  :D
