Thursday, November 17, 2011

Learn Something New Everyday. (Eyes)

Eyes are so amazing!  I am so glad that God gave us eyes so that we can see.  Could you imagine how hard life would be without them?  

1.Your eyes are composed of more than 2 million working parts

2. Your eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour.

3. Colour blindness is 10 times more common in males than females

4. The eye is the only part of the human body that can function at 100% ability at any moment, day or night, without rest. 

5. The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

6. The reason why your nose gets runny when you are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain into the nose.

7. Your retina contains 120 million rods for "night vision", and 8 million cones that are colour sensitive and work best under daylight conditions.

8. Under the right conditions, the human eye can see the light of a candle at a distance of 14 miles.

So sorry guys, I haven't posted at all this week...  But at least I can still throw some randomness at y'all, just to tie you over.  Oh, and I found my a camera.....  Well I did find it but is seems to be lost again.... I promise you it has legs.  Oh well, it's got to be around here somewhere and once I find it I will be posting a lot more pictures and events and stuff like that.  

Ta ta till then!

~Happy Blogging~


  1. Wow! I love eyes too! I think they are the most beautiful thing that God put on people. All the variety, and the power that the eye has, to tell the brain what is around it. Fantastic.

    Love you!

  2. I was just talking about our eyes the other day. We take them for granted so much don't we? Imagine being blind! Good gravy how awful that would be. It's such a blessing to see God's glorious creation...
    Thanks for posting, Hannah! You're such a faithful blogger.
    Miss you!
    Love, Laney
    p.s I loved that one on the good in chocolate. Not like I need ANOTHER exuse to eat chocolate. I think every dessert needs it, if it ain't chocolate it ain't dessert. ;-)

  3. In my homeschool science club, we studied the human eye last year. To wrap it all up, we were able to dissect a cow eye, which is pretty similar. It just blew my mind on how complex our eye is. I don't know HOW people can say that we evolved!


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Also, try not to be a dick.
