Monday, December 5, 2011

Do I Really?

As I sit here applying my red lipstick for no particular reason, wishing for a cup of tea (yes in a tea cup :)), coloring on a tee-shirt, and listening to Sara Bareilles.  A thought...  A question actually, occurred to me, one that has frequented my frontal lobe quite a few times during my very extended stay on this planet we call earth...

The question is...  Do I look like my mother?

 I have never thought that I really looked like my mom really at all, I had always thought that I looked more like my great grandma.  So, to settle a long disputed argument, please help me decide who I look more like.

(I did them all in black and white because the oldest one was in black and white so I couldn't really change it.)
My Great Grandmother
My Mother.

Please vote on the poll in the sidebar!


  1. When I first read the question, I thought it said "do I like my mother?" I was shocked for two point three seconds until I re-read the question. :) I voted grandmother. :)

  2. Haha Hannah I voted! Still not telling!

  3. btw. It's your nose. You and grandma Grace have the same nose.

  4. I'd have to say that you look like both your mother and great grandmother, but more the great grandmother :)

  5. Maybe some of your ancestral first people genes are showing through>


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
