Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree.

I am behind in posting...  I guess that is a good thing though because that means I have been busy doing things to tell you all a about, right?  I sure hope so anyway.

Well, every year we go up in the mountains with a bunch of friends and get christmas trees.  This year was no exception, we got very, very, very, wet.  It was raining, big surprise there huh?... Not, when is it ever not raining here?  Oh well, without all of our lovely rain we couldn't go out and pick a lovely, perfect, christmas tree (they call this the evergreen state for a reason, it is literally green forever).  I have to say that it just wasn't the same with no snow up there this year, I was sad, I might have shed a sorrowful tear or two, but shhhh.. don't tell anybody, that's just embarrassing.

I wasn't able to get very many pictures of our wet adventures, but the ones that I did get I will share with you.  :)  Do you feel special?  I hope so.  :P

I think I took more pictures on the way up there than I actually did while we were up there.
Mesh and Seth...  Being cheesy...  Don't tell them I said that.  heeheehee

I love my little bro!

Good friends.


Theres our Smurf man. That sounds so mean but...  Seriously.

Eureka!  We found it!

A very wet Liberty.  :)

Wow...  He looks great *cough* *cough* in this picture.  I had to get one of him putting the tree on the van ok?  Don't get mad at me.  :)

Lydia is always so photogenic!  I am so jealous.  I don't think I have ever seen a picture that I didn't like of her. 
Dad coming to run me over for being in the road...  I probably deserved it.  I do think that the light looks cool in this picture though.

Best Friends...  Almost sisters!

Loooook, it's my baby brothers.  Awwww, aren't they cute?  Ok...  Don't answer that.

Some of the best people in the world!
Later that night after we had gotten all dry and everything like that, Naomi and Izzy decided to sleep under the tree.  It was soooooo...  cute.  

Just for kicks and giggles, here is a picture of THE cutest pig I have ever seen.  Ahh, I want one!  Isn't it cute?  I love pigs!

Ok, so that was our christmas tree expedition!   We had so much fun!  We love going out into the wilderness and conquering one of it's most  fearsome adversaries....  The pine tree...  Yes they are dangerous, but it is as they say...  "Veni vidi dorfi"  translation, "We came, We saw, We dorfed."  Ok well maybe that's not exactly how they say it but I like it that way better.  

Happy New Year Everyone!!  I hope you all had a great christmas!  and I also hope that I did not bore you too much with out christmas tree shenanigans.



  1. Love all these pictures! Loks like you guys had a lot of fun on your adventure :)

  2. Nice post! Wow...you all do look wet! Now all you need to do is a post of your tree all decorated!! :)


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Also, try not to be a dick.
