Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Oh my, I am a little late in posting this but...  Oh well, you will just have to deal with it.

I thought that with this post I would write down a few things that I was thankful for since I didn't get to do it earlier.  So, this will be two posts very mixed and mingled into one, so much so that you wont be able to make out which post was supposed to be which.

So for thanksgiving we had oh so much food, and oh so much fun, and an oh so huge turkey, actually we had two huge turkeys.  It was yummy, it was fun, it was a lot of work, it was in short wonderful.  And man oh man, that tryptophan sure did a number on me.  :)  I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open!

I think though out of anything my favorite part of the meal is the dessert!  Seriously, sweets are my thing, I love sugar and candy, so when dessert rolled around I was very happy, and believe me we had a lot of it.  What is your favorite part of the thanksgiving meal?

1. I am thankful for wonderful fathers that love the Lord, and their families.
Dad was cutting up the turkey and he couldn't resist having a little snack while he was at it.
2.  I am thankful for precious time spent with friends and family.
They worked on this puzzle so hard ad didn't even finish.  It was sad.  
3.  I am thankful for little boys that make me smile and laugh, like this one.
Little Bradley is quite the cowboy.  Him and Naomi get along very well.  hehehe.
 4.  for long fun conversations with dear sisters in Christ.  It was great catching up with the A. family.  :)
We had so much fun laughing and talking with these girls. 
5.  For growing up sisters who get to be better and better at helping around the house all the time.
Lydia was very tired by the end of the day.  
6.  For the time consuming art of putting together puzzles.  I am afraid I am not very good at it, I don't have enough patience to ever finish one.  :)
I think Charles was there at that puzzle most of the evening.
7.  For childhood buddies, that turn into life long friends.
These guys are so cute.  (Yes, Naomi is in this picture)
8.  For mama's that take care of and love you forever and always.  And cook awesome turkeys at thanksgiving.  :)
This turkey weighed 34 lbs.  It. Was. Huge.

I know, these guys were the center of attention that night.  :)
 9.  For precious babies, that grow into godly (in this case) young men.
Just to put your mind at ease.  No he is not dying, that purple stuff on his mouth is from 'gentian violet' and it is for thrush.  I can't believe how big he is getting!

I think that they were doing cheers here.  It was so cute to watch them.  :)
 10.  I am thankful that God provided the means for us to have a thanksgiving feast.  God is indeed good.
What is a thanksgiving day without sparkling cider anyway?  
 11. For huge tables that everyone can fit around.  :)  Dad and Josiah built this table for mom last christmas.  It is pretty awesome!
This is our table picture.  Usually for thanksgiving we set the table really nice but we didn't do that this year.  I think it had something to do with not wanting to break anymore nice plates.  Hopefully we will do that for christmas.  I always love eating out of pretty dishes, it makes the food taste that much better.  haha.

He was drinking Apples Cider out of the bottle.  I had to get a picture.

Alan looks very creepy in this picture.  On a side note...  He did make some very yummy food for all of us!  It was delicious.
 12.  I am thankful for Dessert.  It has seriously saved me from having a complete mental breakdown.  Ok, so maybe I exaggerated a little but, ya know.
Robyn made a really yummy pumpkin pie.

Charles made this.  It was kinda like a fruit pizza but not.  It was really yummy!

Mama and Lydia made this. One of my personal favorites...  Lemon Meringue Pie.  

Keziah and I made a cheesecake!  It was so yummy.  I don't know why I have never made one before.

My beautiful sis.

The A family!  Thanks so much for coming we had a fun time visiting and catching up with y'all!

13.  And last but certainly not least, I am thankful for Gods providence, I am thankful that He sent His son to die for us on the cross, and that He is in control.


15And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
~Colossians 3:15~


  1. Holy cow, I have never seen a turkey that big!! How long did it take to cook? Do you have an extra large oven?

  2. I know, it was huge! I think that it took at least 4 hours to cook if not longer. I'm pretty sure that we just have a normal sized oven... If I'm not mistaken...

    Thanks for stopping by! I love getting comments!


  3. We used paper because no one was willing to wash the pretty dishes and I was not up to it either. ;)

  4. A wonderful Thanksgiving a good time was had by all including me it is such a joy to cook and serve my family we all had a wonderful time didn't we!


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
