Friday, September 30, 2011

Farewell Dear Sunglasses.

Good-Bye my dear sweet sunglasses.  You who were my constant companion these past months when I needed you most.  Through the hot sunny days, and the cloudy ones too.  You who knew how to make any outfit cool and the one who aided me in my quest for all things vintage.

I have let you down.  Abandoned you.  Left you alone to face the cold, hard, lonely confines of a park bench, by the side of a lake.  Oh, that fateful day, when I forgot you, woe is me!
 I have left you with no one's eyes to shade, with no one's aura of coolness to add to.  I am truly sorry my faithful sunglasses.  I hope that you find someone as awesome as me to accompany you through the rest of this lonely and miserable world, that will love you as much as I did.
I hope to see you in a better place.  Until we meet again.

Love your faithful bearer,

P.S.  Look at the labels.  :'(

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September Camping Trip.

Our family went on a camping trip this last month.  It was so much fun.  It was also very last minute, it basically went like this.  Monday: Everything goes fine the Woltersdorf family is expecting a normal week.  Tuesday:  Wake up to hear dad saying "Hannah were going camping on Thursday.  Do you think you can get everything together by then?  

      As you can imagine, my surprise was great. While I was excited it was rather stressful, however everything worked out and we had a blast!  We even made some friends!  anyway here are some of the pics that I took while we were there.

Just a totally random photo that I thought was cute that I had to share with y'all.  :)

Yes, we went to Starbucks.  I mean what's a warm summer day on the road without an iced coffee?  I know. 

I <3 that face!

ok seriously Tex.  This was almost too much :) .  She wore that the whole time we were there practically.  She cracks me up!

Doing devotions. 
Dad and Liberty.  This picture is so cute!

Meshach got pushed in. Haha!  

Keziah looks so beautiful in this picture.  :)

The boys were on dishes while we were there.  Josiah's smile looks slightly creepy in this picture though.  
We fell asleep.
This car was the perfect size for her!

We drove Go-Carts!  they were so much fun!  It got really competitive out there though.  (You can imagine like seven sibling trying to win in a race.)

I love Model T's.  Nuf said.

So we met this family there that have seven girls and they homeschool.  Keziah, Esther and, Uriel became friends almost instantly.  I love this picture!  I really want to edit it and stuff though so I might be posting that soon!

Annie and Emily.  They were so much fun to hang out with!

Ok I love this picture ^  way cool

Stealing blackberries.
Macho Man.

There's Mr. G.Q.

I love this picture. :)  <3

I was just like "FREEZE! Don't move!"  I had to capture this one.

Sister!  <3 this is one of my all time favorites!  ^
Well thanks for looking!  We had a blast and were glad that we could go!  Even if it was last minute!

Thanks for reading!

~Happy Blogging~

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fast Food Facts.

1. Every month, approximately nine out of 10 American children visit a McDonald's restaurant.

2. Burger King’s Double Whopper with cheese contains 923 calories. A man would need to walk for about nine miles to burn it off. Adding french fries and a large cola brings the total calories to an amazing 1,500 calories (2/3 of an adult man’s recommended daily caloric intake).

3. In-N-Out Burger is one of the few fast food restaurants that actually slice each potato by hand shortly before it is placed in the deep fryer

~Happy Blogging~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wow, This Is So True. College Conspiracy.

         I know that this is kinda, ok not kinda it's a really long video but in my opinion it's definitely worth it. It's just amazing how much our culture today has bought into the lie that makes up our modern day education system that, obviously isn't working.

          I'm probably going to be following up on this video with more of my thoughts on the whole college education system later. But for now enjoy, and let me know what you think.

          Just to let you know this video is about one hour long.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

~Summer Harvest~

The Lord has blessed us with a good crop this year!  I love fresh grown vegetables, they are so much better than store bought ones.  anyway

I love herbs!  They smell so good!  (and taste good too)

Thanks for reading! (I guess it was more looking than actual reading, but of well who cares?  I certainly don't!)  :)

~Happy Blogging~

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hornings Hideout! Happy 19th Birthday Josiah!!

For Josiah's 19th Birthday this year our family went to "Horning's Hideout" in Oregon to play frisbee golf!  It was a lot of fun!  Thanks Josiah for wanting to go there!!  We Laughed, We Played, We Cried when our frisbees didn't go where we wanted them to, and we yelled "Righteous Mama!" (or "Righteous Brother", whichever gender you were referring to at the time)  with a reckless abandon that sent all of us into fits of giggling (at least I yelled it, I'm not sure if they were laughing at or with me?), and we officially decided that our family is the loudest frisbee golfers on the planet.  We all had a blast Josiah, thanks for being such an awesome big brother!

The Birthday boy!

My Aunt Iris!  She is awesome at putting.

Me Pater

The Frisbee Golfers minus dad who was taking the picture.

This is my favorite picture!!  Isn't she a cutie!!

Eating lunch!  We worked up quite an appetite!  Thanks mom for feeding us!

Meshach, making me extremely jealous. haha.

Lydia, you are so sweet.

Naomi, you make me laugh!  :)

My happy boy!

Thanks for coming with us Iris!  It was so much fun!
Keziah is really good at Frisbee Golf!

Oooo, guess what!  we found like ten peacock feathers there!  so awesome!  I wore them in my hair!  Yes it was epic.

God Bless,

~Happy Blogging~

Sunday, September 18, 2011


For looking seriously way too insane.

For being way too infectiously cute.