Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Church Camp!

So this was the first official camping trip that I have ever been on without my whole family there........It was nice, it was fun, it was somewhat strange, but altogether it was mostly awesome!!!!!!

I had so much fun!  It is such a blessing to be able to go and fellowship with out church body in such a fun way!  The four oldest went together, and it was a blast!  We didn't get to go for the whole time because there was a little something at home that had just been delivered (or should I say someone).  But we did go for a day and spent the night!!  So much fun!!  Here are some of the Pics that I took!
On the way to the beach!!!  Josiah's sunglasses are so funny!

Awwwwwwe... Poor little lamb.
Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the first day because I was having way too much fun playing volleyball and visiting with friends that I didn't even think about it.

(from Left to right: Seth, Meshach, Caitlin, Me, Jessica, Felicity, Talitha) We did  a polar bear swim at 6:00 AM.  If you've ever been in the Pacific Ocean  you know that it is fridgid... ya... but it was fun!!  This was before we made our dangerous trek into the deep cold icy ocean.  (thank you Mr. M. for getting up at that untimely hour and taking the pictures for me!)

Just goofing off.

After we had dunked ourselves and were freezing cold!

Rebecca!  She is so photogenic!  I. am. Jealous.

Good friends!

More good friends!

Mr. M.

Jacob is so cute!  you cant see it in this picture but, his shirt said " Handsome is an understatement"  I loved it!

Analise holding Ambrose.  (I absolutely love that name!!)  

Rebecca and Andra

Me and Rebecca!

Ooooooo.... Fire!  I am so grateful God gave us fire!  I don't know what we would do without it!

After we packed everything up at camp we went to a light house with the K. Family!  It was so much fun!!  Thanks for lettings us tag along!

 Afterwards we went to Tillamook Cheese Factory!  Yummy! This is Cori!  Isn't she beautiful!  yup that's my friend!

This was my Ice Cream. Yes, pure awesomeness.  

And this was me on the way home.  We were going into portland so I felt like it was a crazy lipstick kinda day.  :)
Anyway Thanks for reading I hope y'all are having a blessed week!!

~Happy Blogging~

1 comment:

  1. Fun post! I love the last look adorable in lipstick! :)


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