Thursday, September 29, 2011

September Camping Trip.

Our family went on a camping trip this last month.  It was so much fun.  It was also very last minute, it basically went like this.  Monday: Everything goes fine the Woltersdorf family is expecting a normal week.  Tuesday:  Wake up to hear dad saying "Hannah were going camping on Thursday.  Do you think you can get everything together by then?  

      As you can imagine, my surprise was great. While I was excited it was rather stressful, however everything worked out and we had a blast!  We even made some friends!  anyway here are some of the pics that I took while we were there.

Just a totally random photo that I thought was cute that I had to share with y'all.  :)

Yes, we went to Starbucks.  I mean what's a warm summer day on the road without an iced coffee?  I know. 

I <3 that face!

ok seriously Tex.  This was almost too much :) .  She wore that the whole time we were there practically.  She cracks me up!

Doing devotions. 
Dad and Liberty.  This picture is so cute!

Meshach got pushed in. Haha!  

Keziah looks so beautiful in this picture.  :)

The boys were on dishes while we were there.  Josiah's smile looks slightly creepy in this picture though.  
We fell asleep.
This car was the perfect size for her!

We drove Go-Carts!  they were so much fun!  It got really competitive out there though.  (You can imagine like seven sibling trying to win in a race.)

I love Model T's.  Nuf said.

So we met this family there that have seven girls and they homeschool.  Keziah, Esther and, Uriel became friends almost instantly.  I love this picture!  I really want to edit it and stuff though so I might be posting that soon!

Annie and Emily.  They were so much fun to hang out with!

Ok I love this picture ^  way cool

Stealing blackberries.
Macho Man.

There's Mr. G.Q.

I love this picture. :)  <3

I was just like "FREEZE! Don't move!"  I had to capture this one.

Sister!  <3 this is one of my all time favorites!  ^
Well thanks for looking!  We had a blast and were glad that we could go!  Even if it was last minute!

Thanks for reading!

~Happy Blogging~


  1. Hey Hannah,

    What a delightful camping trip y'all had! Sometimes I think the funnest trips are the spur-of-the-moment ones, and being with family always makes for such treasured memories.

    I loved so many of the pictures you took. You have some darling little siblings! I would love to see more pictures of your mother; I'm sure she must be just beautiful.~

    God bless you! I hope that the Lord intends for us to see y'all again soon! :)

    Take care,

  2. Hi Mallory,
    I agree it is always fun to go on trips with family!

    I know, I would like more pictures of my mom on here too. But she doesn't really like to have her picture taken. Unfortunately. I think that she is very beautiful. :)

    Thank you so much for commenting! and I also hope to see you guys again soon!

    In Christ,


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
