Friday, July 22, 2011

Red, White, & Blue Dessert

     I call this my 4th of July Dessert, it's actual name is "Strawberry Trifle" but where's the fun in that?  I love making this for Independence day 1. Because it is extremely easy(and yummy I might add), and 2. Because it is so patriotic!  I am going to disappoint all of you who want my recipe and not tell you, because if I told you, you wouldn't have to invite me to your parties to get to taste this, and then nobody would invite me anywhere...  and that would be sad.  :(  hehehe  I was up till 3 in the morning making these so don't judge my pictures.  :)

Cool Whip....... Yum!

Straberries. Even Yummier!

Angel food Cake

More Strawberries.

Strawberries, and Angel Food Cake

The secret mixture that I'm not going to tell you the ingredients to.... hahaha

another layer

see, it has patriotic written all over it!  

My masterpiece!

I know I kinda failed on the top..... Oh well, I heard that it tasted good anyway.  :)
Look at the baby one!!  Isn't it cute!  I made it for my neighbor for co-piloting for me on the way to the store. What a nuisance this permit is.

It's so beautiful, I think I might cry.... 

This is the second one that I made (no not at three in the morning) I think that it turned out much prettier than the first one!

I love this pic!  <3


I made another baby one for the hostess of the 4th of July party!

Anywho, yummie!  I need to make these more often!  Everybody (well everyone that I've talked to) says that they are super yummy!

~Happy Blogging~


  1. Hey Hannah,
    Don't know how, but we just found this blog of yours. I've enjoyed looking over all the pictures you've got. :-D We'll have to subscribe it.
    Did you happen to get my letter? (If so I hope I didn't offend you ;-)
    It was such a pleasure meeting y'all at the Father-Daughter, and we really hope to see you and your family again someday! (we think and talk about y'all alot!)
    May the Lord bless you abundantly!

  2. Hey Hannah!! I've just hopped over to your blog for the first time in a while...great job on posting!
    I love the pictures of your little siblings. They are adorable!
    I hope that y'all are doing well and enjoying Summer.~
    Y'all really have to stop by our house on your next FL trip, you know. ;)
    God bless,
    for the Whiddons

  3. Laney, I'm glad that you came and checked it out! I miss you guys so much! I did get your letter! I am so sorry that I have not replied yet, things have just been so crazy busy here that I haven't had time to reply, but I can assure you that my reply will be not long in coming! I hope to see you again soon too! ( Oh and of course you did not offend me at all!)

    Mallory, Thanks, I enjoy doing it, although I'm not the greatest at photography but I guess you don't have to be good to capture the moment. We are having a wonderful summer, or would be if these nasty clouds would ever go away. (Although I must admit that I am not altogether fond of hot weather.) I know that would be so much fun, I cant wait to see "Y'all" again!!

    Love~ HAnNahW


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
