Sunday, September 23, 2012

Crazy Awesome World.

Been a long time since I posted anything I know.  I have been meaning and meaning to get back on here for a while now, just hadn't gotten the chance.  :)  Bit of a random post, this has just been on my heart lately and I needed a place to put it, and that's what blogs are for right?

Oh my goodness so much has happened since I last posted in May...  God is so awesome, he can do so much in such a short time.  I feel blessed more now then ever than all my friends and family.  Being away has given me time to reflect, and the more I think about and remember all the craziness of my life at home, the more thankful I am for it.

  I live in a crazy awesome place, with crazy amazing people all around me.  I think about it and I realize, we don't even realize how amazing it is to meet the people that we meet.  Even though it might only be for a short time that we know that person.  I think about it this way, there are 6 Billion people on this planet and God placed you with the people he did for a reason.

  Just thinking about that boggles my mind

He could have put you anywhere, and with anyone out of 6 billion people.  But He decided to place you with the people that you are with. 

That is pretty amazing. 

So with that being said, be thankful for those around you.  The ones that love and care for you because, God gave us those around us for a reason.  It wasn't by accident that they are in our lives.  That those crazy amazing people are around us, are helping us, are searching out God's will with us.

This crazy amazing world is truly, truly amazing, and life is short.  So love God, love people, and praise and thank Him for those people even when it's hard.



I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
