Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's Snowing!

I just love snow, ask any of my brothers and sisters who in our whole family likes snow the most and they would say it was me!  So you can probably imagine my excitement this morning when I woke up and, lo and behold IT WAS SNOWING!!!  I just had to run outside to take some pictures!!!!!!!  So here they are!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Beautiful Sister!

The other day I decided that I wanted to do a photo shoot with my sister Naomi.  It was allot of fun dressing her up, if you don't know Naomi, she is the very tom-boyish (if thats even a word) so I was trying to encourage her to be a little bit more girly in the things that she wears and the things that she does.  She is super cute in these pictures!

 Thanks for looking!

Toodle Pip,
             ~Hannah Woltersdorf~

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Guess Where I'm Going for My Birthday?

I am Going to the Father daughter Conference in Pine Mountain Georgia for my birthday in March!!  I am really excited that God allowed this door to open, for my father and I.  I love traveling I love flying and road trips so hopefully we will be able to get a little of both in when we go!  I will post pictures after we get back, but we are still not leaving until March!!  It seems like such a long time to wait but I think that I will live!!

Toodle Pip
              ~Hannah Woltersdorf~

Two Additions To The Family!

Just to put your mind at rest, no my mom did not have twins.  We actually have started watching two little girls for a family that we know, their names are Chloe (2) and Brooke (4).  While this isn't always easy it is fun, and a blessing to be able to hopefully impact their life in a positive way that they will remember!



Chloe, Lydia, Liberty, and of course Tiger Lilly (the BOY cat)!

Happy 17th Birthday Caitlin!

                                                         Happy Birthday Caitlin!

My dear friend Caitlin is going to have a birthday pretty soon also and she invited my parents Josiah and me to go to dinner, bowling, and ice cream with her parents and her younger sister Jessica. I didn't get to take pictures but Jessica took lots so if you want to see them head over to her blog (!  I had tons of fun and am so glad that she invited us!  Caitlin is a beautiful example of a submissive daughter at home striving to glorify God in everything that she does!  She is such a wonderful example to me, and a very encouraging friend.  I hope that we can celebrate many more of her birthdays to come together!

Happy 19th Birthday Rebecca!!

Happy Birthday Rebecca!
     My very good friend Rebecca Anne just recently turned 19.  It seems just like yesterday that she turned 16 and my dad told her that she could now eat out in the front room if she asked!  I was only 13 then and so jealous!  Its so funny how small things like that make a difference when you are younger!   I have throughly enjoyed being Rebecca's friend these past few years and despite the few difficulties, and disagreements that we have had, I can truly say that Rebecca is one of the most gifted, beautiful, thoughtful, and gracious people that I have ever had the privilege to know,  I think I can truly call her my best friend.  I hope that she never changes and grows in her walk with the Lord as long as she lives.  (I am going to post pictures later of what we did for her birthday!)