Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have a new baby sister as of 2/23/09 we named her 'Liberty Rose Woltersdorf' she is soooo... beautiful and whats more she looks like me! I am thrilled! she weighed out at 7lb 12oz and like 20" long or something like that. She is just a doll I should be getting some pictures of her on here pretty soon!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another hair brained idea from me!

You all know what wonderful present minded, cool calm and, collective person I am, right? Ok maybe that was a little far fetched but pretty close right?(heh heh) Well on the small chance that I might have been a well stupid and scatterbrained would you guys be very surprised? ok well here goes. I had just come in from taking the garbage cans down to the end of the road (as the garbage truck comes every week on Tuesdays for the garbage.) So every Monday night we have beans and rice for dinner, right. Well this Monday was no different I was making beans and rice and getting the tortillas ready (as we have beans and rice on tortillas with all the fixins.) Well mom wanted enchilada sauce on hers so I go get the can and I look absolutely everywhere for the can opener and I cant find it any where. I mean everywhere (in the kitchen anyway) in the dishwasher, the silver wear holder, the counters, even in the sink. It is nowhere and the funny thing is, that I used it earlier that night to open the beans. So I figured I'd make my own can opener, and well needless to say not a good idea. I go over to the opposite counter and get a kitchen knife, well let me tell you right now kids, never do this at home or any where else for that matter! Where was I? ......Oh yeah.....thats I waltzed over to the counter grabbed the biggest knife we had and presently began to open the can with the knife. Needless to say this was not a good idea at all because, shortly after I began to stab the knife into the can the knife slipped and stabbed me in the hurt.....really bad....there was blood everywhere I was screaming bloody murder I was rushed to the hospital on life support!!!....this was a very special just kidding but really it hurt and I am never going to try that again!