Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Great Adventure!!! In the Great North West!!!

Well about last month some time we (we as in Siah (as in Josiah), Rebecca, and I) decided to go into LaCenter on another great adventure and an adventure it was.  So we started off and strangely enough, Rebecca didn't have any brakes on her bike our troubles began.  Well for those of you who don't know there is a rather humongous hill on our way into LaCenter, 
(I think you can guess what happened)  well anyways mom made us promise to go to the fire station to get helmets (seeing as we didn't have any)  so we get into LaCenter and have to take the detour to the Fire station which consists of two more huge hills one going up and one going down both ways.  So we get to the library and they don't have any helmets so we go back through the detour, back to the library and when we get there it's CLOSED!!!!!!! so we go up to the highschool (which is directly adjesent to the library.)  tease some kids for how they are talking, acting, and what their wearing (though doing so rather discreetly.) We finally get ahold of the house but my mom is not in!  So we start riding back and well.  Again, Rebecca has no brakes.   Thus ends our adventure, a very exhausting one I must add. (I did leave out a few major points) :D


  1. You? Discretely making fun? Yeah, right! -Maddie ;)

  2. I hope that wasn't my bike that had no brakes! I thought it had brakes?!? Tell me that wasn't my bike...sigh...:[
    Aunt Shannon

  3. No no no, Shannon it wasn't your bike it was Seth's bike much to Rebecca's misfortune!

  4. yeah,
    he...he...he maddie lets just say that is between you and me. (whose going to now anyway) he...he...he....


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
