Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Biking in the great Northwest!

just about 2 weeks ago Rebecca and I decided to be bold and go on a bike ride! into LaCenter to go to the library so that we could use the computer! well we got into the library and did our stuff on the computer, and decided to leave! But in all of our stupidity we failed to heed the signs of a heavy rain, and decided to start for home! This was not such a good idea. After a minute of riding it started to hail and by the time we got back to the library we were soaked to the bone. Having had moms phone with me I decided to call her and ask her if she would come and pick usup she said she would, but I thought that she said that she wouldn't. So we decided to start out again well yet again it started to rain harder and by this time we were so cold that our bikes were shaking underneith us!!!! ok I was exaggerating, but we were shaking alot. about 5 minutes through our ride we saw mom driving past us so we stopped by the side of the road and decided to wait for her return. thus ends our fiasco one things for shure we were SOAKED and my moms face was indescribable I laughed so hard when I saw her!

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