Saturday, November 22, 2008


I know that I am posting a lot of videos but I keep finding songs that I like. So just bear with me!! :D

P.S. This is a christian song!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ingrid Michaelson

The latest and greatest from Ingrid Michaelson.

Footbal to california!

well my bro Meshach's football team went down to Cali, this morning!! They are in third division state championships! they only lost two games the whole season. They were both to the same team too. The Jets were the ones that beat them, even though the Jets beat the wildcats (wildcats is my brothers team) twice I think that the wildcats are better! Besides the wildcats beat the jets before the jets beat the wildcats. the jets even came to like three of our games and took notes on their plays. Well meshach is a nose guard he loves it and is pretty good. Just in case some of you are illiterate concerning football like I was before Meshy started football the nose guard is supposed to sack the quarter back.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog titles?

I have often wandered, how do people come up with their blog titles? I mean some of them are completely absurd! Others make you think WOW! why can't I come up with something that good ? Well I have finally come to a decision. I know you're probably thinking uh-oh Hannah's got a decision, well just wait a minuet before you make like a tree and leaf! I propose a vote (because I can't figure out if I should keep my blog name the same or not) soooo, if you cannot think of any on your own here, are some suggestions! By God's Grace, Autumn Sunset, Autumn Colors, a voice from heaven. Please comment because I am in great wonder about this.
P.S Do not fear to write in your own, that you think would be better.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Great Adventure!!! In the Great North West!!!

Well about last month some time we (we as in Siah (as in Josiah), Rebecca, and I) decided to go into LaCenter on another great adventure and an adventure it was.  So we started off and strangely enough, Rebecca didn't have any brakes on her bike our troubles began.  Well for those of you who don't know there is a rather humongous hill on our way into LaCenter, 
(I think you can guess what happened)  well anyways mom made us promise to go to the fire station to get helmets (seeing as we didn't have any)  so we get into LaCenter and have to take the detour to the Fire station which consists of two more huge hills one going up and one going down both ways.  So we get to the library and they don't have any helmets so we go back through the detour, back to the library and when we get there it's CLOSED!!!!!!! so we go up to the highschool (which is directly adjesent to the library.)  tease some kids for how they are talking, acting, and what their wearing (though doing so rather discreetly.) We finally get ahold of the house but my mom is not in!  So we start riding back and well.  Again, Rebecca has no brakes.   Thus ends our adventure, a very exhausting one I must add. (I did leave out a few major points) :D