Monday, May 2, 2016

You See Us Rollin'

     I'm here to announce that Zach and I have officially moved into the van and I am so fucking stoked about it.  My brother and I built a bed frame around the wheels so that we could fit our mattress inside and have storage underneath the bed also.  Before we moved out of the Subaru every day I felt weighed down by having so many things in the car.  Now that we are in the van I feel like we have hardly any possessions.  There's so much room for activities!  We are still saving up for that short bus (it's the only one they'll let me ride in) so it's kind of the only logical next step for us.

ANYWHO I have pictures of this bed that we built!

Hasta La Vista,

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Update: 2 Months

We are coming up on out two month mark here in Subaru Legacy luxury land, so far so good.  We will be upgrading to a van soon with the hopes of buying a short bus by mid summer. 

I never thought I would be so stoked to live in a van.  I keep having visions of enough head space to sit up and read at night, enough leg room to stretch out, enough spots for my clothes to shove into.  Right now it seems like the little things are everything. 
    Having an extra car will be nice since I'm currently working two jobs and Zach has his gig all in separate locations.  Coordinating schedules can get tricky.  Showers have been easy to come by thanks to all our amazing friends and family, alongside the totally tubular facilities that a local yoga studio can supply (two birds with one stone there, exercise, and cleanliness?  Check!).  Hopefully I'll get to a real computer where I can upload many photos to dazzle you with but for now I have to sleep, gotta work bright and early.  Duty calls.

Happy rubber tramp trails,
ButtPunch Oprah

Monday, March 21, 2016

The New Get Up and Go.

Remember those new adventures I was telling you of?  Oh you didn't read the last post?  That's ok because Ima tell you now!  

My husband and I officially moved into our car (by choice, yes we still have well paying jobs, yes we shower, yes it's comfortable.)about two weeks ago.  We are quickly learning that when living in a tiny (but also somehow spacious) Subaru Legacy...


We both knew this would be a learning curve but it's proving to really test our condensing skills greatly.  After all, we do love our knickknack collection ever so fondly.  However, I am determined to shake the dust off my feet and clutter out of my life!  I've gone through the car about twenty times deciding what we need, what we need to throw out.  I have a feeling that backpacking goods retailers are quickly going to be at the top of my list as far as "stores I go into so often it's a little creepy" list.  I mean fuck man, can you blame me?  The have a whole pot that you can cook, over a heated surface.  A pot, with cooking capabilities made from rubber and metal, that folds down for easy storage.    It's fucking nuts, and a veritable smorgasbord of compact living, "de clutter the fuck out of your life" wonderland.  

But now that I'm done ranting about camping goods and the like, and before I go on another rant about the wonders of retail facilities cross the nation in this day and age.  I'm just going to say that living on the go has been awesome.  I'm getting used to the small space, baby wipes are a lifesaver, and 24 hour bathrooms have been my companion.  I'm saving boat loads of money, and having adventures that weren't possible before.  This is the most free I've felt in a while.  I'm learning to love the simple nomadic lifestyle.   

Choo gotta,
Big Pimpin'

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Adventures Await Us and I'm Chasing Them as Hard as I can.

Zach (husband) and I are currently plotting our newest adventure.  We are in the process of packing up our things, decided what to keep, what to throw out.  Only holding onto what is absolutely necessary.  I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm stressed, I'm completely ready, I'm overwhelmed by how much I have to do.  But I'm jumping in head first because that how I roll.  We are chasing after our dream, it's going to be hard as hell but oh so worth it.  You'll never know if you never try, so...  We're trying.

You're gonna have to wait till next time to find out what life changes we are going through right now, I can't wait to tell you but all good things come to those who wait for me to post them....  I think that's how it goes anyways.

Hope your day is going amazingly.

Big Pimpin'