Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Post Christmas Shenanigans.

 Apparently we (as in the Woltersdorf family and a few others) decided that we wanted to go up into the mountains and hang out one day.  So, we did.  It was fun, It was wet....  wait no what am I saying...  It wasn't wet a bit actually, I guess I am just so used to saying that it was wet because it normally is.

Let me start over ok?

 Here goes...  It was fun, it was cold (not wet), well if you count the river then it was very wet, but we didn't go in the river and the river didn't bother us...  Well there were a few mud puddles.  Whoa, ok I need to focus or I am never going to be done with this post and you are going to be stuck here reading it for hours....  Or never reading it because I never finished it because I kept on rambling...

(focus, Hannah, focus.)

Alright let's try this one more time shall we.  It was fun, it was cold, it was muddy, but really it was pretty awesome... And I hurt my leg...  (Just thought I would throw that in there just in case you wanted to know...  You probably didn't but it doesn't really matter wether or not you did or did not because there you have it.)

I was so bummed when we got there because I realized that our camera was broken and the Bloomers didn't bring theirs, so we were cameraless....  Or so I thought, it turns out smart phones are good for something besides looking at facebook...  Who knew right?  So, Ethan took these pictures (yes all of them) with his phone.  I was really glad that he did otherwise we wouldn't have any pictures of our time up there.

Hundreds of dead fish in the river....  Wow this is a wonderful way to start off the pictures isn't it?  Oh well.  I am feeling very random today.

And the dude with the camera.

Typical Josh picture.  :P  

The vehicles.

Seriously, dads hat...  I can never take him seriously in it.

Mom made chili for all of us AND, AND, she says she's disappointed that there is no pictures of the (so called) "camp cook"  or the "camp cooks chili".  I think that she should fill out a complaint form and give it to the photographer...  Watch out Ethan, my mother is ruthless. ;)

More lunch

and more.

 After we were done goofing off way up out in the boonies, Me ( acting as co-pilot), Josiah (as squashed banana 1.) , Ethan (as Pilot), Gabe (squashed banana 2), and Josh (squashed banana 3. and nominated most talkative person on trip....  Ever.) decided that we wanted to go to a movie.  We saw Tintin.  I really liked Tintin, it was very faithful to the books/comics (I guess they are just comics but we have a book with comics in it...  What now?!  Two in one.  Pretty impressive eh?)  And the animation was incredible.  Andy Serkis did a really good job acting as the Captain, and Jaime Bell (Tintin) will always be one of my favorites.  I had a really hard time, I must admit, getting it out of my head that he wasn't actually "gollum" anymore was... pretty tough.

Hey look a nerd...  wonder where he came from?

Oh look another nerd... I mean geek.  Sorry.

Josiah dancing with Elvis outside the cinema.

from left to right: Josiah, Me, Gabe, Josh.
and the last picture of the evening.  You can't see it very well but all of us "minors" were told to stand behind the "no minors" sign just for kick and giggles.  It was fun.   
After that we went home and chilled out, put puzzles together, got warm by the fire, Watched John Wayne, and since none, (and when I say none... I mean none.) of these losers had ever seen Tangled.  So we watched that too, and sadly they didn't get to see the end but they did see most of it.  And got to hear all of us sing along to the songs as it was playing, was that as annoying as it sounds you ask?....  Yes, yes it was.

All in all it was very fun and we had a great time!  Hi-lights of the day I think were, listening to all the guys sing "amerika" in the car, watching Jared back up his jeep and go through a mud puddle fast so that he could get mud on his car, and joking about duct taping Josh's mouth shut, and renaming aforementioned "duct tape" to "Josh tape" (sorry Josh, but that was funny).

Thanks for reading/looking!  I hope I will be able to post about some other New Years stuff soon, until then!


P.S. How was that Maria?


  1. cool! you saw tintin? that is soo cool! I watched it and loved it! I'm glad you got the chance to see it


  2. thanks for commenting on my blog, that made me smile. I didn't watch it in 3D because our theatre didn't have that feature. ya, as soon as the 3D fad will pass it will go to the 4D...haha
    ya. I wonder when it will pass. :)

  3. Pahaha! Looks like you guys had fun! You're so funny, Hannah :) I actually loved your rambling, it kept me smiling during the entire post :)

  4. I have yet to see a complaint.
    - The dead fish are a nice touch.

  5. Wow, sounds like fun! By the way, you have a great blog. Why don't you take a look at mine? gracieshorseyworld.blogspot.com


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
