Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dance the Night Away with.... The Shopping Cart, Oh Ya.

For those of you who are wondering.....  

No we did not do the shopping cart all night long...  

Actually we didn't even do it half the night.  And for those of you who are wondering just what, exactly the shopping cart is.  It is simply walking while acting like you are pushing a shopping cart, while you pretend to take things from a shelf and put them in the imaginary basket that you are supposedly.  Pushing.  It sounds ridiculous...  I know.  But fun nonetheless.

 It was kinda just what my friend Rebecca and I did when we weren't asked to dance.  Just so that we could look like dorks.  Because that is one of the things we do best.

No actually, we did a whole bunch of line dances, and some waltzes and swing dancing.  And we did the sprinkler too but that is a different story.  Well it is kind of the same story, (oh no here I go again.)  

I am very skatter-brained lately.  Actually come to think of it...  I am always skatter brained.  Which is probably why I start doing this in like every post ever thought of on my blog. 

And will I ever get on with the goings on of the evening besides the fact that we (we as in, my siblings, me and Rebecca, who might as well be a sibling.)  did the shopping cart and the sprinkler? Oh, we played musical chairs too....  Just thought I would throw that in there for (as my southern friends would say, who I might add...  I need to write a letter to.) y'all.  

Ok, just one more thought on that.  I love saying "y'all" but every time I say it here in the Northwest people don't seem to quite appreciate it.  I'm not sure why, but whenever I say it I get weird looks and giggles...  Which is probably most of the reason that I say it.  I am a very contrary person.  My brother likes to say that I have a disagreeable personality.  I haven't quite decided if that is a good or a bad thing yet. 

 I will let you know my further thought on that later...  Maybe.  That is a BIG maybe, though.

Just try to bear in mind please that I never claimed to be a photographer soooooo....  Ya.

Seth kinda looks sick in this picture.  But ya know it's a good sick.  Like "that truck is sick man!" ....... Ok well, maybe not, but it was worth a try anyway, right?
(that was supposed to be said with a surfer boy/skater/punk dude accent by the way.  Just letting you in on some little formalities.  We must get these things right you know.) 


I can tell Seth is just thinking "oh ya, I look cool."  Now I will leave it up to you to decide wether that is true or not.  :)

Very blurry picture of people swing dancing or talking about  trying, (keyword here being trying) to swing dance.  It didn't work out so well when I tried it with Rebecca.  It was pretty hysterical.  There was much laughing on my part...  Come to think of it there was on her part too.  

In the words of...  Well, actually mysel...  heh.  
"Best friends are, well.  The best."

Rebecca has an escort.  

I LOVE this picture.
 It is so funny.  Rebecca is supposed to be doing her hair.  (it kinda looks like...  actually I don't know what it looks like she is actually doing.)  Meshach is just bein' a dork and Seth is *wink* *wink*  fixing his tie.  

More dancing.

(left to right: Katy, Elisa, Forest.)
They didn't want me to take a picture.  Hence, the reason Forest is hiding behind his sister. 

(left to right: Timothy, Noah, Thaddeus.)
We met lots of new awesome people there and I went around taking random pictures of people that I met there.  It was awesome.  :)  And just FYI I love the name Thaddeus.
It. is. cool.
I feel really bad but I forgot the name of the first girl in this picture.  I'm sure it will come back to me one of these moments.  Anyway, the other two are Irene and Maddie.  I <3 these girls.  They were so much fun to talk to and laugh at ridiculous things with.
(agg.  Glare.  The camera was giving me some problems that night but I still wanted to post this picture)
more dancing.

The three amigos.  

And the last picture of the night was of Wesley.  This guy is really funny. and was the MC of the dance.  Thanks for MC'ing!  It was awesome and you did a great job!  
Well, that is all of our dance craziness. Thank you all *ahem* I mean y'all, (so there) for putting up with more of my ramblings.  I simply had to get it out of my system somehow and I couldn't ask for a better listener I think.

Oh my goodness.

 Off I go again.

 I better end this before it gets too late to be today anymore and magically turns into tomorrow.  Well maybe not magically but I just like saying that.  I know....  I'm a nut.

I've been told...

 Many times.



  1. Oh my gosh that looked like a blast! Prom is coming up for me so I will get to dancing again soon :) I'm so bad at it, the only type of dancing I can do is Just Dance on wii :/ But "its the thought that counts", right??

  2. Your brothers all looked like studs ;) So yes, tell Seth that he did look 'cool' :D haha
    glad you got some pics, girlie!! would you mind sending me a couple of them to post on FB? Or actually, you should post them ;)

    Love ya!

  3. Oh and yes...I know...don't you love the name Thaddeus? ;) The guy who has that name is my cousin, by the way. I'm really proud of him ;)

  4. The "first girl" is Ava. I'm, like, related to her or something. ;)

  5. Oh what fun!! Glad to see lots of pictures. :-D Haha! You keep on sayin' "y'all" (that's great, I'm proud of you!!), get all practiced up for coming down South, right? That seems SO strange that it's "weird" to say that were y'all are!

    Can't wait till y'all's trip to Georgia!!!

    Your Southern friend ;-)

    1. That's awesome. y'all :) entertain us with your letters! It is funny because it makes me laugh every time you write 'y'all' all the time!

      ps how come you can't pronounce the "ll" but you still spell it that way?

  6. Hey Josiah, Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I didn't check back 'till just now. Haha! I'm glad my letters are entertaining, no telling what all I've written. :-0 I didn't think I said "yall" that much, but I guess I do. I wish we could let y'all meet some folks down here that have got such GREAT Southern accents, you'd probably think it was just hilarious though.
    Some folks say the "ll" on y'all but mostly everyone says it "yaw". Haha I never really thought about it. I reckon it's like all the other Southern "rule breakers". (but really, they're just the right way of saying stuff, haha! ;-)

    God bless,


I don't moderate comments so if you are going to write something, just please don't embarrass yourself. I assure you that I am doing more than enough of that to cover for the both of us.

Also, try not to be a dick.
