Saturday, October 27, 2012

All This and Heaven Too.

First off, I am going to start by saying...  I hath shorn my locks this past June (I know I fail miserabley at life I haven't posted since June), and yet again in October.  No pictures of the second shearing yet but hopefully some day you will be able to see it.  Some (or most) of you already know this.  But suffice it to say...  I miss my long hair.  Short was fun for a while, but I'm definitely ready for some long action.
This summer has been crazy, wild, bizzare, fun, sad, mind blowing...  Yes it has been all this and heaven too.  But, I am a cold weather creature.  So I have laid away summer with light heart looking forward to (the rest of) Fall and Winter with so much anticipation.   Much coffee will be had, and many more new friends will be made in the process. (The North West is inexplicably valuble for that sort of thing.) 
Virginia is such a lovely place, but I am aching to get back home to my beautiful, rainy, coffee shop riddled Washington.  With all of my friends and family waiting for me (that is if they still remember who I am).  At the same time, leaving this place does not come without it's own heart aches, I have met and befriended so many amazing people here, it's going to be hard to live without them once I go back to my life in Washington.
So much change in such a little time...  It's amazing, scary, and wonderfully awesome all at the same time.  Jesus is so great though, and He is in control.  It has been truly amazing to see Him direct my steps these past couple of months, and just draw me closer to Him.  Nothing like it.
And so, with that.  I will show you some of the awesomness that was had. 


The first shearing.  ;)
Josiah and I took a road trip to Idaho in June.  That was so terribly bizarre and amazing.  I will never forget it.  Much singing with street performers, broken down cars, talking to strangers, and riding in said strangers cars was had.  Plus topping things off with a Fathers day at Christ's Church in Moscow, and a beautiful drive home with the dad.  Since we broke the car and had to leave it there.  Oh how I will miss you lightning egg. 

And then I left my beautiful green Washington, for the swealteringly hot, humid, and absolutely marvolous Virginia.  I made many friends, took a rediculous amount of time at the ocean (one of the thrills of my soul), laughed like crazy, and learned to love Jesus more than I thought was possible.

I went Kayaking for the first time with my friend Samantha!  She was so amazing, and such an encouragement to me.  I don't know as if I have ever met anyone sweeter and more on fire for the Lord as her.  She actually just left for Uganda for 8 months on a missions trip, and I am so happy for her.

And she took me jet skiing also.  Which was SO much fun.  :)

Ahhhh, dear Andrea.  Truly a sister, we clicked almost instantly, let me tell you how amazing this woman is.  She is a wonderful mother, cans food like ther is no tomorrw, cooks, runs a marvelous blog (, is a professional reviewer for the San Francisco City Book Review, loves Jesus, is a loving wife, helps out at a nearby farm, eats locally and organically, plans on homeschooling, and her husband is in the navy.  If that isn't amazing I don't know what is.
We spent so much time together, mostly canning, cooking, talking, reading, swapping life stories and all that jazz.  She is such an amazing person.  I can't say enough about her.  I think we nearly agree on everything.

She also helped me cross something off my bucket list.  Which was watchingt the sunrise on the Atlantic ocean.  It was everything I could have hoped plus some.  Truly spectacular, couldn't have wished for anything better.

Had to get a picture of that accursed Obama campaign bus.
These girls...  Man these girls, I couldn't have asked for a better group of girls to go on a 4 day camping trip with.  They all love the Lord, and are just such a joy to be around.  After four days in the *cough*mountains*cough* we were a bit stinky.  But we were truly mountain women, and proud of our stinkiness.  It was so amazing, I came back ten pounds lighter than when I left and so dehydrated, I think my Aunt almost had a heart attack, when she found out that.  (She loves me, what can I say?) But felt so full of life, after four awesome days away from technology, showers, and yes even decent food. 

It pains me to say that I do not have any further pictures of my trip uploaded to the computer, and it's a shame because I wanted to upload a few more.  But better some than none right??? 
Anyway, thanks for reading!  I had such a blast getting to know my family over there better, they are truly amazing people and I love every single one of them.  I wish I could have posted some pictures of them on here, but alas, due to safety reasons, I am unable. Hopefully these ones suffice.  :)

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