Friday, July 30, 2010

I Love this Kid!

I often times find it very difficult to fully appreciate my younger siblings, especially when they get into my things or don't listen right away.  But the other day I got to thinking that if I had to choose which one of them would I send back?  Despite all of the hardships, I wouldn't trade one moment that they have been here with me, and I am very thankful for each and everyone of them.  Here is just one little moment that I spent with my little brother Israel that made me laugh, and thank God that he is here with us.  (this kid can always make me smile, he is soooo... hilarious!) (he is 3). we were previously talking about my earache, I love little kid logic!!

Israel- Do you think I'm a baby Hannah?
Me- No, I you're a big boy.
Israel- Then you need to be a good sister.
Me- Why? Do you think that I am a bad sister?
Israel- yep...
Me- Why do you think that?
Israel- because you need to not have headaches!
Me- Oh, I'm sorry, its just hard to stop! I'll try harder!  I think that I would like that too.
Israel- yep, that is just not a good idea.
Me- I'll try not to.
Israel- ok, thats good because you need to be a good sister and not do that.

                                                            I LOVE YOU ISRAEL!            


  1. Interesting........ What do headaches have to do with anything? I think I might be confused (not to say that is unusual :D ).

    PS I like your reminders before the post. :)

  2. Well, I get headaches allot and Israel usually uses headache for both earache and headache so, that is why he was saying headache instead of earache. I probably should have clarified that in my post

    Thanks :D


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