Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easter Weekend

Okay so oodles of photos.  

The camera was like the thing to have on this trip.  (for once)  Anyway sorry it took me so long to post about Easter.  I am seriously way, way, way behind on this posting thing.  

Can you ever forgive me?  

Silly question I know.   

Annnyway, moving on.  We had so much fun, much sleeping and reading our lives away, (well Josiah and I did anyway) oh yes and did I mention swimming?  Swimming was also a big thing...  and so was talking to strangers....  Yes our mom told us about strangers...  Did we listen?  Apparently not.

Did I actually mention where we went...?  No I didn't...  Well this is awkward....  Fine, I'll just tell you, we went to the beach with our Grandma, and her husband.  Who doesn't love the beach right?  I am seriously amazed that God made something so terribly, scary, wicked, beautiful.

And now....  Onto the pictures.  

Justice is always a happy camper.  
can't get enough of this princess.

Told ya we went swimming.

She is such a blessing, and one tough cookie.

Silly Lydia.

Classic Esther...  Classic.


It actually looks like he is in pain. haha
Fine be that way Keziah...  ;)

I'm rooting for this one. 

This look says...
"Which one is the gas pedal again?"

Now she smiles.

Uh...  ya, what was that I said about rooting for her earlier...  I take it back!  She's gonna crash!

And finally we get the wave that we were waiting for. 

Dad and Justice (a.k.a Gus Gus)

She is so helpful with the little ones.

Israel loves bubbles!

haha...  What was that about not being a nerd Josiah?

I think he should re-think his "cool face"
The Racers emerge.
You wouldn't believe how competitive our family gets with go-carts.  It's insane.

Cute and he knows it.

Isn't he just the sweetest thing?
Getting so big!  It's hard to believe how old he is.

After Go-Carts the kids and mom went down to play on the beach.

Ya, it's this game.  

Does she look unordinarily tall to any of you?

I love this picture.

Brrrr...  Freezing cold.
I can't believe they were doing this.  
My two Gorgeous sista's.

Hey look, two more gorgeous family members of mine.  I think we got our fair share of beauty in this family.

Always trying to eat something.
building sand castels.

still going at it.  :)

The Next morning we went clam digging.  It was a really beautiful morning.
The Sunrise is always awesome.

Ugg, so cute.

to smile, or not to smile....?  That is the question.

She got a little cold.  It was really windy.

Awwww, poor Naomi.  It's was too early to be happy. ;)

ummm, what are you holding....?

I just liked this picture.

My Dad.

My Mom.

seriously dude, it's just a picture!!!

Astoria Tower is pretty cool.  They are way farther up that it looks.

Liberty is thinking "Holy cow, what did I get myself into?!?" 

Add caption

I was tired.  I think that this is one of the only pictures of me that was taken on that trip. haha.

She kept asking us to take her picture.  haha, and how could we resist this little girl?

what I did most of the time.  :)  Reading is so awesome.

haha, nice face Keziah.

Apparently he died.

I love this picture of Naomi.

 I think maybe Naomi should get that checked out.

This picture is so cute.  :)
Well, thanks folks for looking at all of my pictures.  We had fun at the beach, although I'm glad that we are back.  It's always good to be back home. :)
