Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well we both survived and, Willow finally pulled through and ended up giving birth to her calf at around 7 o'clock last friday. We thought at first that it was a breech, but thank the lord it was only a partial breech, I ended up having to, before he was out halfway pull on his other leg so that his shoulders could get through the birth-canal so that he could slide out, and I had to pull on him the last time because she had stopped pushing, it was very gooey and slimy, but the miracle of birth is just so beautiful that I didn't really notice it until afterward, God is so amazing, and what could be more beautiful than bringing a life into this world! Unfortunately it was a boy, but I'm just happy that he is alive and well. I'm still not sure what we should name him, my mom threw hamburger out there but I told her that I waited too long and, had lost too much sleep over that calf to name him hamburger. The other bummer is that Willow ended up not being a very good mother and she has taken little interest in him, come to think of it he doesn't take any interest in her either, her likes me better than his own mother, I beginning to wonder who gave birth to who here? This means that we will definitely end up bottle feeding. I have some pictures of him, he is absolutely adorable!  (any name suggestions?  I had thought about Ferdinand, or Alfred?)
this is just after he was born

                                                             trying to get warm!  poor guy.


  I just liked this picture, the funny thing was that I wasn't even aiming the camera

I love it when he sleeps!